All Studio Workshops have been postponed until further notice - Please try our Livestreaming Workshops
with Biffy Cotter, Krissy Aguayo, Monica Biery & Steph Dodds
The summer solstice, the day the sun is at the highest point in the sky and shines light for 15 hours. Solstice is powerful to take yourself into higher states of consciousness, to receive healing and connect to your highest Self. Using the portal of energy to burn away that which does not serve, connect to the Divine breath and enlighten on every level of your being.
Four healers weave yin yoga together with their healing gifts in this powerful session and potent time in the solar system.
Join Biffy Cotter shamanic healer, Monica Biery aromatherapy healer, Krissy Aguayo shamanic healer and Steph Dodds EFT and shamanic reiki healer for a two hour yin yoga and meditative healing. You will also balance and activate the 7 main energy centers in the body known as chakras during this session.
Reiki sessions are deeply relaxing and strengthen the body’s ability to heal itself. Reiki works on the mind, body Spirit trinity. Reiki energy flows through the practitioner’s hands into negative energy patterns of the human biofield and charges them with positive energy, elevating the vibratory level in and around the physical body. It strengthens energy path- ways, or meridians, to facilitate healing in a natural way.
Experience the healing benifits of Reiki, Shamanic and Aromatherapy.
Wear comfortable clothing. Bring a hand drum if you have one.