Wonderful Workshops
Fly safely and securely in this dynamic, powerful and fun inversion workshop led by Jeff Frieders, from Oslo, Norway. Inspired by the intelligence of the Ashtanga yoga sequence, learn to feel confident, strong and free while executing inversion postures (crow/crane pose, feathered peacock pose, handstand, headstand).
Foam rolling? We love it! Because it addresses those first layer kinks we all experience in neck and back, hips and shoulders, knees and feet. We’ll start our time together moving through essential foam rolling. But under that first layer, a whole world of deep letting go awaits.
We will draw upon this energy of frequency and sound vibration to create healing in your body realigning with resilience, harmony and health. Sound is not just perceived by our ears but by every cell in the body.
From the foundations of upward dog to the skills needed for standing up and dropping back in wheel pose, Jeff uses the wisdom of the Ashtanga yoga practice to inspire you to let go and feel more free in your backbending practice. Feel safe, open and inspired to let go. Learn to enjoy the depth and the beauty that lives in your spine. as they say, "a healthy spine is a healthy life.
This special 90-minute yoga class supports the local Leukemia and Lymphoma Society fundraising team, composed of Yoga Shala students Marcia and Jessica. You'll be led through an energizing and uplifting vinyasa practice, balanced by a generous cool-down of stretching postures and savasana (final rest). This practice includes breath work, strength building, flexibility postures, heat generation, and flow (moving through postures while linking the breath). All bodies and levels of ability are welcome.
Inspired by meditation, silence and stillness, this weekend workshop covers prana/apana, the koshas, tristana method, Buddhist philosophy, and the 8 limbs of yoga on and off the mat. Deepen your daily sadhana with Jeff Frieders, an Ashtanga Yoga and Vinyasa yoga practitioner and instructor.
Join shamanic healers, Biffy Cotter and Krissy Rose, for a powerful in-person drum circle celebrating this auspicious time of the awakening of humanity.
Join Tyler Langdale for a meditative, restorative, somatic experience powered by sound vibration.
Feel your stress and energetic blocks dissolve away as you rest in Savasana or any comfortable restorative shape. The sound bath symphony includes crystal alchemy bowls, Tibetan alloy bowls, harmonic wind chimes, and the powerful gong. Float away on the waves of sound and relax into the healing vibrations, to then return to the peaceful stillness of silence as we finish in quiet meditation.