with Simone M. Mathews
On Earth today, we sit on the precipice of change, we sit of the edge of a major shift in evolutionary consciousness. The indigenous peoples the world over, have spoken of this time and have prophesized about this generation holding the key to the future of humanity.
It is up to each and every one of us, both individually and collectively to be the change we want to see in this world. The time is NOW to embrace the science and technology of today and bridge this with the wisdoms of our ancient peoples… to be active participants and conscious evolutionary architects of this new world.
During this FREE evening talk on The Sacred Geometry of your DNA, Simone will be discussing how we can raise the human spirit to a higher place by consciously Activating & Attuning our DNA through Sacred Geometry. Participants will learn to ‘speak the language’ of the field, learn how to move beyond dis-ease and needless pain & suffering and will be gifted practical techniques to transcend old programs and fear-based limiting beliefs.
Simone highly recommends that you attend her FREE Talk if you are enrolled or planning to enrol in the weekend Crystal Light Healing® Sacred Geometry of your DNA Course. During the FREE Talk, Simone will be imparting knowledge about Metatron's Cube, Fibonacci, Golden Mean & the Torus in relationship with our DNA... which will provide foundational knowledge for the weekends course.