with Monica Biery
Let’s stop normalizing things like constipation, chronic GI discomfort, bloating, problems sleeping, chronic diarrhea, fatigue, headaches, sluggishness, heartburn, acid reflux, depression, painful gas, frequent illness or infection.
The bad news: none of these things are normal. They are all indications of poor gut health.
The good news: your body is communicating with you and it is designed for health and is always working to realign and balance.
The best news: there are simple steps we can take to support this realignment, it happens quickly and it is never too late. Imagine how the freedom from these symptoms would feel.
We will be receiving a nutritional download that will allow us to rebalance and heal our gut microbiome and hormones, improve mental clarity and sleep, while supporting our immune system, detoxifying and providing a metabolic reset that helps our body to protect and heal itself.
It is so wonderful to experience these healing benefits in community with supportive guidance. In a climate where creating optimal health has never been more important, many of us have fallen off track in the midst of these strange times. If that is you, or you simply want to boost your health and vitality, please join us for a gentle 10 Day Superfoods Cleanse. When we align ourselves nutritionally, our bodies and minds come into balance. When we are balanced we come into our natural state and our natural state is peace. You deserve this, we all do.
Steps to Sign Up
Click HERE to order your cleanse products ( USE CODE: Balance7)
Sign Up with Yoga Shala
The retail price of the “Ten-Day Cleansing” plan is $300. This link has a Gift Card for 25% savings, therefore your cost will be $233 or $23.30 per day. There is an additional payment to Yoga Shala in the amount of $35. This will cover the Zoom meetings, private Facebook page, group coaching and one on one support when necessary.
Use coupon code “balance7” for 25% discount
We will have four group support Zoom meetings:
7:30pm on Monday 6/11, Thursday 6/15, Sunday 6/18 and Sunday 6/25
Our first meeting is Monday, June 11th where we will discuss how to prepare for our nutrition journey that will start on start on Friday, June 16th. Once you place your order it can take 3 to 5 days to arrive. Please order no later than June 12th to be sure your product arrives in time.
There has been no better time to invest in our health. Quality food is not expensive. Medical bills are expensive, missed days at work are expensive, prescriptions are expensive but the most expensive thing of all is missing out on the wonderful life we all deserve because we do not feel well. When we provide the proper nutrients for our bodies, we give them the power to heal themselves. I am so looking forward to helping you reach your goals as you give yourself the gift of health.
If you need more information to decide if this is right for you, please call, text or email:
Monica Biery (916) 206-7665 monica@balancewithin.us