We take this time of year to tidy our homes with a good spring cleaning; even more so, we need to clean our mind of the subconscious clutter we have collected over the years, so we can act authentically and uncoil our untapped potential. The subconscious mind can dictate 80% of our thoughts, feelings, and behavior, playing out unresolved anger, pain, childhood resentment, and phobias.
Your participation in this event will be your own victory over time and space! Some Kundalini yoga experience is recommended. Be prepared to allow “layers of the onion” to peel away as you participate in this powerful intermediate level workshop. Wear loose, comfortable clothing, and do not eat 2-3 hours prior.
$35 (pre-registration highly recommended)
For more information, call Manvir at 916-806-0623 Kundalini Yoga
“The idea of rebirthing is to release the subconscious, the storehouse of misery.”
“Each Rebirthing workshop I have attended is unique. It has given me the opportunity to release subconscious pain, and create clarity and space. What a gift!”
“A unique and powerful experience. I leave Manvir’s Rebirthing workshops feeling clear-minded and rejuvenated.”
“The idea of rebirthing is to release the subconscious, the storehouse of human misery.”