with Biffy Cotter, Monica Biery & Krissy Aguayo
The Spring Equinox represents a time when the light and dark are in perfect balance - 12 hours of light and 12 hours of dark. We will draw upon this energy of the perfect harmony of the yin and yang energy with restorative aromatherapy yin yoga postures, guided meditation and a healing savasana with crystals on the body.
Layering the healing practice of aroma yoga and meditation the student can drop the into the Cosmic energy of a higher state of consciousness and greet the Spring Equinox with openness. We will attune to the balanced energy of yin-feminine and yang-masculine finding this balance within the mind, heart and Soul.
Honoring the Spring Equinox offers us a rebirth, creativity, dreams, insights and awaiting the bloom of newness. You will leave the workshop feeling lighter, refreshed and ready to plant your heart seeds into the upcoming days of spring.
$35 Limited Space! Pre-registration recommended.