with Isaac Williams
DANCE FLOW is free flow movement, ecstatic dance, born in Sacramento CA . It is an urban tribal gathering- a space to connect with yourself and others honestly, to express your authentic voice through your actions & doings, and to feel the experience of your body in always a new way. Dance Flow is an experiment as well as a practice as we test different theories through our bodies and Listen to the kinetic feedback.
All movement is sensation & feeling based. We listen to the body, and how it wishes to expressed. A practice of thinking with the whole body, and bringing embodied intelligence back into your body.
Guidelines: Ultimately, move how you want. Respect the space and the people in it.
"Dance Flow feels like a journey into the truth of things, giving the mind a chance to unhook. It’s a continuous call to return to honesty, attuning to the rhythms of the soul and energetic body—using the physical body as a vehicle for deeper spiritual understanding. I come to Dance Flow so that I can remember who I am and what I’m committed to in this life – freedom, trust, joy, and surrender. Like any other spiritual practice, it’s about commitment, showing up even when nauseous with anxiety. Moving through the fear of being seen and partaking in authentic expressions of movement with others is a major part of what makes Dance Flow such a profoundly healing experience. Dance Flow feels like a non-negotiable practice in my life now because of how much during the practice I have to consciously choose love over fear, integrity over performance, and faith over logic. I’ve found it to be one of the most fluid representations for how I’d like to meet all of my life moments and circumstances."
REVIEW written by Halley Miglietta