with Norah Dykema
Many of us are feeling like we are on a "mission" and that fulfilling it feels like the most important thing in our lives.
Remember Bronnie Ware? Ms. Ware was the woman who studied hospice care and in her study of palliative patients, the most common regret recorded is that they did not have the courage to live life on their terms.
Perhaps these people did not understand, or overlooked the importance of fulfilling their own personal missions.
So what's your mission you may be wondering?
If you have ever asked yourself what is the deeper purpose or meaning of life then you already have a sense of your mission.
I think your mission is to become YOU.
Maybe we are simply striving to say as we leave our bodies, "I lived a life that was true to me." That means living the life you're meant to live, becoming that person you are meant to be. Are you there yet?
Becoming who we are meant to be requires us to explore, challenge and expand our spiritual thinking. We will talk about that.
This evening is one of a handful of free talks that I will be giving through March 6th, 2016. I will share with you about my latest spiritual adventures, and that finding me is still ongoing, still full of universal gifts, and so much love.
Come on over to the Yoga Shala and say "hello".
Living on Purpose,