with Joss Jaffe
Kirtan is call-and-response chanting performed both in India's bhakti devotional traditions and around the world. Kirtan involves chanting hymns or mantras to the accompaniment of instruments and voices.
Recent research has shown many benefits to singing together in groups which helps forge social bonds and improves our broader social networks. Singing is particularly beneficial for improving breathing, posture, and muscle tension. There’s also some evidence to suggest that music can play a role in sustaining a healthy immune system, by reducing the stress hormone cortisol and boosting antibodies.
Singing has been shown to improve our sense of happiness and well-being. The elation may come from endorphins, a hormone released by singing which is associated with feelings of pleasure, and oxytocin another hormone released during singing which has been found to alleviate anxiety and stress.
Most of all singing is fun! Come and experience it Oct 22nd at Yoga Shala Arden.